6. 1. 2. Sector Scan
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6. 1. 2. Sector Scan

With a scanner installed on your ship, you will see the word "scan" below the sector number in the navigation box of the current sector view. When you click that sector scan link, it will give you a basic display with information about that sector. This scanning is also available as you move on a plotted course. The scanner readout shows how many Enemy and Friendly vessels there are and the number of Enemy and Friendly Forces. It also tells if there is a planet, port, or location in that sector.

Move to
  1091 (1)
1104 (1)
1105 1106 (1)

6. 1. 2. Sector Scan
Previous: 6. 1. 1. Local Scan   Up: 6. 1. Scanner   Next: 6. 1. 3. Reading Vessel and Forces Scans