5. 9. Turns
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5. 9. Turns

Space Merchant Realms is a turn-based game. Almost everything you do in-game will cost you turns. The number of turns you have is shown in the upper right part of the screen. You are only able to move or act in the game if you have enough turns to do it. Below is a chart that shows which actions cost you turns and how many.

Turn Cost Activity
1 turn Moving from one sector to another
1 turn Landing on a Planet
1 turn Buying or Selling goods
1 turn Dumping cargo
3 turns Attacking a trader.
3 turns Attacking a port.
3 turns Attacking a planet.
3 turns Attacking forces.
5 turns Moving through a galaxy warp.
15 turns Using a jump drive.

You gain turns normally over the course of an hour. The number of turns you get per hour (TPH) depends on the type of ship you have and is referred to as ship speed. Each ship has a base TPH value. The TPH of your current ship is shown on the Trader information screen. If the speed of a particular game is greater than 1.0, then the tph is increased accordingly.

5. 9. Turns
Previous: 5. 8. Maneuvering your ship   Up: 5. How your ship works   Next: 5. 10. Newbie Turns